Friday, December 31, 2010

....And there goes 2010

To be extremely brief...I bid adieu to 2010.
And thank God that a friend of mine survived a plane crash,
and thank him again that a lone, misguided derailed military person didn't ever actually open fire in my workplace.
I am thankful that my former spousal unit seems to have gotten his proverbial stuff together, and no longer calls me for advice or assistance;
I am sad, in my own fashion, that someone I was seeing, for four years off and on, is finally and totally an off. Unless, that is, I want to wake up and be fifty years old and decide to go on In short, he has let me know that his life is hermetically sealed, well planned, and no changes, no thanks.
Well, hell.
Four years ago, that would have been great to hear.
Anyway....starting out a new year.
I have vowed not to date, in 2011.
This is not difficult.
I don't meet anyone, in the 'real' (i.e., non-Internet dating) world.
Very boring, ubiqutious, final post for the year.
Well, let's just cross fingers 2011 is more productive.
Yours, Madeileine